horizontal rule


三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 26. Point at the mulberry only to curse the locust  三十六计


Thirty-Six Stratagems

 (三十六计法语-Les 36 stratagèmes)

27. Feigning foolishness
King David, Odysseus, Claudius, and an early writer of the I Ching were all men who survived danger by pretending to be insane or mentally deficient. It's not fun to be thought of as stupid, but it is safer than to be reckoned intelligent and therefore dangerous.

The war about other people's opinions is one that has to be fought in your own mind. Once you're clear that there will always be other people who dislike you or have a low opinion of you, you can free yourself up to answer only to God and your own integrity. And then you will not be ruled by what other people think of you.

Fighters often cultivate the opponent's opinion of them. As I wrote above, a well known "leg man" in the martial arts cultivated the opinion of others that--because he was so good at kicks---he was poor at using his punches in a fight. When his big fight came, he defeated his opponent strictly by boxing with him at close range.

A small, lightweight woman kickboxer was attacked by a serial rapist. She slammed a shin kick across his liver and midsection, paralyzing him for a moment with pain and loss of breath. She ran up to her apartment, locked herself in, and phoned the police. He was over six feet tall, and she was five foot one. Her decisive, aggressive kick exploited his opinion that she was a "mere girl" (and a small one at that). (She was also the first of his prey who got a good look at him, and she gave the police his description. Eventually, he was caught and imprisoned.)

孙子兵法 假痴不癫

三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 28. Remove the ladder after the ascent 
