horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

 第二节 收养的效力

Section 2
Effect of Adoption

  第一千一百一十一条 自收养关系成立之日起,养父母与养子女间的权利义务关系,适用本法关于父母子女关系的规定;养子女与养父母的近亲属间的权利义务关系,适用本法关于子女与父母的近亲属关系的规定。
Article 1111
Upon establishment of an adoptive relationship, the provisions of this Code governing the parents-children relationship shall apply to the rights and duties between the adoptive parents and the adopted children. The provisions of this Code governing the relationship between children and the close relatives of their parents shall apply to the rights and duties between the adopted children and the close relatives of their adoptive parents.

Upon establishment of an adoptive relationship, the rights and duties arising between the adoptee and his natural parents as well as the latter’s other close relatives shall be terminated.

  第一千一百一十二条 养子女可以随养父或者养母的姓氏,经当事人协商一致,也可以保留原姓氏。

Article 1112
An adopted child may take the surname of his adoptive father or mother, or may retain his original surname upon consent of all the parties to the adoption.

  第一千一百一十三条 有本法第一编关于民事法律行为无效规定情形或者违反本编规定的收养行为无效。
Article 1113
An adoption shall be void when it constitutes a void civil juristic act as provided in Book One of this Code or violates the provisions provided in this Book.

A void adoption has no legal effect ab initio.


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