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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八百六十条 合作开发完成的发明创造,申请专利的权利属于合作开发的当事人共有;当事人一方转让其共有的专利申请权的,其他各方享有以同等条件优先受让的权利。但是,当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 860
Where an invention is accomplished through cooperative development, the right to apply for patent thereon jointly belongs to all parties to the cooperative development. Where one party is to transfer the part of the joint patent application right he owns, the other party or parties shall have a priority right to acquire the right on equivalent conditions, unless otherwise agreed by the parties
Where a party to a cooperative development waives the part of patent application right he owns, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the other party may make the application, or the other parties may jointly make the application, as the case may be. Where an applicant acquires the patent right, the party who has waived the right to application of the patent may exploit the patent free of charge.
Where one party to a cooperative development does not agree to apply for patent, the other party or parties may not file such an application.
  第八百六十一条 委托开发或者合作开发完成的技术秘密成果的使用权、转让权以及收益的分配办法,由当事人约定;没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,在没有相同技术方案被授予专利权前,当事人均有使用和转让的权利。但是,委托开发的研究开发人不得在向委托人交付研究开发成果之前,将研究开发成果转让给第三人。
Article 861
The right to use and the right to transfer a work product containing technological know-how accomplished through commissioned development or cooperative development, as well as the method for distributing the proceeds thereof, shall be agreed by the parties. Where there is no such an agreement between the parties or the relevant agreement is unclear, if it cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, all the parties have the right to use and transfer the said work product, as long as no patent right has been granted on a same technological solution. Provided, however, that a researcher-developer of a commissioned development may not transfer the work product to a third person before he delivers it to the client.
  第三节 技术转让合同和技术许可合同
Section 3
Technology Transfer Contracts and Technology Licensing Contracts
  第八百六十二条 技术转让合同是合法拥有技术的权利人,将现有特定的专利、专利申请、技术秘密的相关权利让与他人所订立的合同。
Article 862
A technology transfer contract is a contract under which a lawful right holder of a technology assigns to another person the relevant rights in respect of a specific patent, application for a patent, or technological know-how.
A technology licensing contract is a contract under which a lawful right holder of a technology authorizes another person to exercise the relevant rights to apply and exploit a specific patent or technological know-how.
The agreement in a technology transfer contract or a technology licensing contract on the provision of special equipment and raw materials for application of the technology or on the provision of the relevant technology consultation and technology service is a component part of the contract.


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