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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第六百六十八条 借款合同应当采用书面形式,但是自然人之间借款另有约定的除外。
Article 668
A loan contract shall be made in writing, unless the loan is between natural persons who agree otherwise.
A loan contract generally contains clauses specifying the category of the loan, the kind of currency, purpose of use, amount, interest rate, term, and the method of repayment, and the like, of the loan.
  第六百六十九条 订立借款合同,借款人应当按照贷款人的要求提供与借款有关的业务活动和财务状况的真实情况。
Article 669
Upon concluding a loan contract, a borrower shall, as required by the lender, provide true information about his business activities and financial conditions related to the borrowing to the lender.
  第六百七十条 借款的利息不得预先在本金中扣除。利息预先在本金中扣除的,应当按照实际借款数额返还借款并计算利息。
Article 670
The interest on a loan may not be deducted from the principal in advance. Where the interest is deducted from the principal in advance, the loan shall be repaid and the interest shall be calculated according to the actual amount of money provided.
  第六百七十一条 贷款人未按照约定的日期、数额提供借款,造成借款人损失的,应当赔偿损失。
Article 671
A lender who fails to provide the loan at the agreed time and amount and thus causing losses to the borrower shall bear the liability for compensation.
A borrower who fails to take the loan at the agreed time and amount shall pay an interest based on the agreed time and amount.


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