horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第六百六十四条 因受赠人的违法行为致使赠与人死亡或者丧失民事行为能力的,赠与人的继承人或者法定代理人可以撤销赠与。
Article 664
Where a donee’s illegal act leads to the donor’s death or loss of capacity for performing civil juristic acts, the donor’s heir or legal representative may revoke the gift.
The right to revocation of the donor’s heir or his legal representative shall be exercised within six months from the date the heir or the legal representative knows or should have known of the cause for revocation.
  第六百六十五条 撤销权人撤销赠与的,可以向受赠人请求返还赠与的财产。
Article 665
Upon revocation of a gift, the person having the right to revocation may request the donee to return the gifted property.
  第六百六十六条 赠与人的经济状况显著恶化,严重影响其生产经营或者家庭生活的,可以不再履行赠与义务。
Article 666
Where a donor’s financial situation markedly deteriorates and his production and operation or family life is thus severely affected, he may cease to perform the obligation of delivering the gift.
  第十二章 借款合同
Chapter XII
Loan Contracts
  第六百六十七条 借款合同是借款人向贷款人借款,到期返还借款并支付利息的合同。
Article 667
A loan contract is a contract under which a borrower borrows a sum of money from a lender and repays it with interests when the loan becomes due.


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