horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四章 非法人组织
Chapter IV
Unincorporated Organizations
  第一百零二条 非法人组织是不具有法人资格,但是能够依法以自己的名义从事民事活动的组织。
Article 102
An unincorporated organization is an organization which does not have the legal person status but may engage in civil activities in its own name in accordance with law.
Unincorporated organizations include sole proprietorships, partnerships, professional service institutions that do not have the legal person status, and the like.
  第一百零三条 非法人组织应当依照法律的规定登记。
Article 103
Unincorporated organizations shall be registered in accordance with law.
Where laws or administrative regulations provide that establishment of an unincorporated organization shall be subject to approval by the relevant authority, such provisions shall be followed.
  第一百零四条 非法人组织的财产不足以清偿债务的,其出资人或者设立人承担无限责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 104
Where an unincorporated organization becomes insolvent, its capital contributors or founders shall assume unlimited liability for the debts of the organization, unless otherwise provided by law.
  第一百零五条 非法人组织可以确定一人或者数人代表该组织从事民事活动。
Article 105
An unincorporated organization may designate one or more members to represent the organization to engage in civil activities.


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