horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

第四条  民事主体在民事活动中的法律地位一律平等。
Article 4
All persons of the civil law are equal in legal status when conducting civil activities.

第五条  民事主体从事民事活动,应当遵循自愿原则,按照自己的意思设立、变更、终止民事法律关系。

Article 5
When conducting a civil activity, a person of the civil law shall, in compliance with the principle of voluntariness, create, alter, or terminate a civil juristic relationship according to his own will.

第六条  民事主体从事民事活动,应当遵循公平原则,合理确定各方的权利和义务。

Article 6
When conducting a civil activity, a person of the civil law shall, in compliance with the principle of fairness, reasonably clarify the rights and obligations of each party.

第七条  民事主体从事民事活动,应当遵循诚信原则,秉持诚实,恪守承诺。

Article 7
When conducting a civil activity, a person of the civil law shall, in compliance with the principle of good faith, uphold honesty and honor commitments.


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