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韦洛克拉丁语翻译练习 10 De Amicitia 韦洛克拉丁语翻译练习 10 韦洛克拉丁语翻译练习 拉丁语 外语


翻译练习 15

Chapter 15

1. Illae quinque feminae inter ea animalia mortem non timebant. These five women were not fearing the death among those animals.
2. Due ex filiis a porta per agros cum patre suo heri currebant et in aquam ceciderunt. Two of the sons were running yesterday from the gate through the fields with their father and fell into water.
3. Primus rex divitias in mare iecit, nam magnam iram et vim turbae timuit. The first king threw the wealth into the sea, for he feared the great anger and the force of the crowd.
4. Nemo eandem partem Asiae uno anno vincet. No one will conquer the same part of the Asian (Minor) within a year.
5. Romani quattuor ex eis urbibus prima via iunxerunt. The roman people joined the four cities of them with the first road.
6. Itaque milia librorum eius ab urbe trans Italiam misistis. Therefore you sent his thousand books from the city across Italia.
7. Libertatem et iura harum urbium artibus belli conservavimus. We preserved the liberty and the rights of these cities with the arts of war.
8. Di Graeci se inter homines cum virtute saepe non gerebant. The Greek gods did not often conduct themselves among men with virtue.
9. Cicero milia Romanorum vi sententiarum suarum ducebat. Cicero used to lead thousand Roman people with the power of his judgement.
10. Sententiae medici eum carum mihi numquam fecerunt. The words of the doctor had never made them dear to me.
11. The tyrant used to entrust his life to those three friends. Tyrannus vitam suam illis tribus amicis committebat.
12. The greedy man never has enought wealth. Vir avarus numquam satis divitiarum habet.
13. At that time we saved their mother with those six letters. Eo tempore mater earum illis sex litteris conservimus.
14. Through their friends they conquered the citizens of the ten cities. Per amicos suos cives decem urbium vincerunt.


1. Diu in ista nave fui et propter tempestatem nubesque semper mortem exspectabam. For a long time I have been in that ship and was always expecting death on account of storm and clouds.
2. Septem horis ad eam urbem venimus. Within seven hours we came to that city.
3. Italia illis temporibus erat plena Graecarum artium, et multi Romani ipsi has artes colebant. Italia was in these times with plenty of Greek arts, and many Romans themselves were pursuing these studies.
4. Inter bellum et pacem dubitatant. They were hesitating between war and peace.
5. Eo tempore istum ex urbe eiciebam. I was throwing out that man from the city at that time.
6. Dicebat quisque miser: "civis Romanus sum." Each miserable man was saying: "I am a citizen of Rome."
7. Mea puella passerem suum amabat, et passer ad eam solam semper pipiabat nec se ex gremio movebat. My daughter loved her sparrow, and the sparrow used to chirp always only to her and it did not move itself from her lap.
8. Filii mei fratrem meum diligebant, me vitabant; me patrem acerbum appellabant et meam mortem expectabant. Nunc autem mores meos mutavi et duos filios ad me cras traham. My sons loved my brother, and were avoiding me; they called me a harsh father and were expecting my death. Now, therefore, I have changed my habits and I will draw two sons to me tomorrow.
9. Dionysius tyrannus, quoniam tonsori caput committere timebat, filias suas barbam et capillum tondere docuit; itaque virgines tondebant barbam et capillum patris. A tyrant, Dionysius, since he was afread to entrust the head to a barber, he taught his daughters to cut hairs and  beard; therefore the maidens used to cut hair and beard of the father.


O mei filii tres, non debetis esse miseri. Ad mortem enim nunc venio, sed pars mei, animus meus, semper remanebit. Dum eram vobiscum, animum non videbatis, sed ex factis meis intellegebatis eum esse in hoc corpore. Credite igitur animum esse eundem post mortem, etiam si eum non videbitis, et semper conservate me in memoria vestra.


Oh my three sons, you ought not to be miserable. I, now, trully come to death, but a part of me, my spirit will always remain. When I was with you, you did not see my spirit, but from my deeds you knew its was in this body. Therefore, believe that spirit is the same after death even if you do not see it, and always keep me in your mind.

Fabian Tactics

Etiam in senectute Quintus Fabius Maximus erat vir verae virtutis et bella cum animis adulescentis gerebat. De eo amicus noster Ennius, doctus ille poeta, haec verba olim scripsit: "Unus homo civitatem fortunatam nobis cunctatione conservavit. Rumores et faman non ponebat ante salutem Romae. Gloria eius, igitur, nunc bene valet et semper valebit."


Quintus Fabius Maximus in old age was also man of true courage and waved the wars with young friends. Our friend Ennius, a learned poet, wrote these words about him: "A man saved our blessed citizen by delaying. He did not place rumors before the safety of Rome. His glory therefore now is quite well and will always be well."


拉丁语《论语》 Amore more ore re


