horizontal rule


三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 10. Conceal a dagger in a smile 三十六计


Thirty-Six Stratagems

 (三十六计法语-Les 36 stratagèmes)

11. Cut down the plum tree to save the peach tree
When you cannot avoid losses, sacrifice the lesser for the benefit of the greater. The saying comes from the problem of blight infesting fruit tree groves. Farmers would decimate the blight by removing the plum trees, thus allowing the peach trees to get all the benefits of the nutrients in the soil.

Generals have been called upon to sacrifice one band of men to save another. In everyday life, recognizing that one cannot have his cake and eat it too forces us to choose our priorities. The person who knows that he must engage in struggle sets up a hierarchy of goals so that he knows ahead of time what he can sacrifice and what he cannot.
孙子兵法 李代桃僵

三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 12. Steal any passing goat 上屋抽梯 管理咨询 Herbert Zhang Zhi Yong 口才 
