三十六计英文-Thirty-Six Stratagems 三十六计
The Thirty-Six Stratagems (三十六计法语-Les 36 stratagèmes)
01. Deceive the sky to cross the sea
Conceal your preparations by being completely open and public. The police of a
town were looking for a cat burglar that continually struck in a certain wealthy
neighborhood. Finally, after failing to catch him after weeks of trying, they
set up a watch on either end of every street. The officers were ordered to note
the arrival and departure of every person, so that all could be questioned. And
yet, the burglaries continued for several days, until one observant policeman
realized that a postman was making rounds on a postal holiday. The "postman" was
finally nabbed. Yet he had succeeded for so long because he had made himself an
acceptable part of the scenery while in the act of committing burglaries.
Another form of deceiving the sky to cross the sea is to make open preparations
for war without ever actually going to war---until the enemy no longer takes you