horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千二百四十一条 遗失、抛弃高度危险物造成他人损害的,由所有人承担侵权责任。所有人将高度危险物交由他人管理的,由管理人承担侵权责任;所有人有过错的,与管理人承担连带责任。

Article 1241
Where damage is caused to another person by an ultra-hazardous thing that is lost or abandoned, the owner of the ultra-hazardous thing shall bear tort liability. Where the owner has delivered the ultra-hazardous thing to another person for management, the manager shall bear tort liability, and the owner shall assume joint and several liability with the manager where he is at fault.

  第一千二百四十二条 非法占有高度危险物造成他人损害的,由非法占有人承担侵权责任。所有人、管理人不能证明对防止非法占有尽到高度注意义务的,与非法占有人承担连带责任。

Article 1242
Where damage is caused to another person by an ultra-hazardous thing that is illegally possessed, the illegal possessor of the ultra-hazardous thing shall bear tort liability. The owner or manager of the thing shall assume joint and several liability with the illegal possessor if he cannot prove that he has fulfilled a high duty of care to prevent the illegal possession.

  第一千二百四十三条 未经许可进入高度危险活动区域或者高度危险物存放区域受到损害,管理人能够证明已经采取足够安全措施并尽到充分警示义务的,可以减轻或者不承担责任。

Article 1243
Where a person, without authorization, enters into an area where ultra-hazardous activities are conducted or ultra-hazardous things are stored therein and is thus injured, the liability of the manager of the area may be mitigated or eliminated if it can be proven that he has taken sufficient security measures and fulfilled the duty of sufficient warning.

  第一千二百四十四条 承担高度危险责任,法律规定赔偿限额的,依照其规定,但是行为人有故意或者重大过失的除外。

Article 1244
Where there are provisions of law providing for a limit of compensation for liability incurred as a result of an ultra-hazardous activity, such provisions shall be followed unless the damage is caused by the actor intentionally or with gross negligence.


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