第一千二百三十一条 两个以上侵权人污染环境、破坏生态的,承担责任的大小,根据污染物的种类、浓度、排放量,破坏生态的方式、范围、程度,以及行为对损害后果所起的作用等因素确定。
Article 1231
Where environmental pollution or ecological damage is caused by two or more
tortfeasors, the extent of liability of each tortfeasor shall be determined
according to the factors such as the type, concentration, and quantity of
discharge of the pollutants, the way, scope, and degree of damage to the
ecological system, and the impact of the act on the consequences of damage.
第一千二百三十二条 侵权人违反法律规定故意污染环境、破坏生态造成严重后果的,被侵权人有权请求相应的惩罚性赔偿。
Article 1232
Where a tortfeasor intentionally pollutes the environment or harms the
ecological system in violation of the provisions of law resulting in serious
consequences, the infringed person has the right to request for the
corresponding punitive damages.
第一千二百三十三条 因第三人的过错污染环境、破坏生态的,被侵权人可以向侵权人请求赔偿,也可以向第三人请求赔偿。侵权人赔偿后,有权向第三人追偿。
Article 1233
Where environmental pollution or ecological damage is caused owing to the fault
of a third person, the infringed person may claim compensation against either
the tortfeasor or the third person. After making compensation, the tortfeasor
has the right to indemnification against the third person.
第一千二百三十四条 违反国家规定造成生态环境损害,生态环境能够修复的,国家规定的机关或者法律规定的组织有权请求侵权人在合理期限内承担修复责任。侵权人在期限内未修复的,国家规定的机关或者法律规定的组织可以自行或者委托他人进行修复,所需费用由侵权人负担。
Article 1234
Where a tortfeasor causes damage to the ecological environment in violation of
the State regulations and if restoration is possible, the State authorized
agencies or the organizations authorized by law have the right to request the
tortfeasor to bear the responsibility for restoration within a reasonable period
of time. Where the tortfeasor fails to restore it within the time limit, the
State authorized agencies or the organizations authorized by law may initiate
the restoration on its own or entrust it with others, and any expenses thus
incurred shall be borne by the tortfeasor.
第一千二百三十五条 违反国家规定造成生态环境损害的,国家规定的机关或者法律规定的组织有权请求侵权人赔偿下列损失和费用:
Article 1235
Where ecological damage is caused in violation of the State regulations, the
State authorized agencies or the organizations authorized by law have the right
to request the tortfeasor to compensate the following losses and expenses:
(1) losses caused by loss of service function from the time the ecological
environment is damaged to the time the restoration is completed;
(2) losses caused by permanent damage to the function of the ecological
(3) expenses for investigation, appraisal, and assessment of the damage to the
ecological environment;
(4) expenses for cleaning-up the pollution and restoring the ecological
environment; and
(5) other reasonable expenses incurred to prevent the occurrence or aggravation
of the damage.
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