第四章 遗产的处理
Chapter IV
Disposition of Estates
第一千一百四十五条 继承开始后,遗嘱执行人为遗产管理人;没有遗嘱执行人的,继承人应当及时推选遗产管理人;继承人未推选的,由继承人共同担任遗产管理人;没有继承人或者继承人均放弃继承的,由被继承人生前住所地的民政部门或者村民委员会担任遗产管理人。
Article 1145
Upon opening of a succession, the executor of the will is the administrator of
the estate; where no executor is designated in the will, the successors shall
elect an administrator in a timely manner. Where the successors fail to do so,
all of the successors are co-administrators. Where there is no successor or
where all of the successors disclaim the inheritance, the civil affairs
department or the villagers’ committee in the place where the decedent was
domiciled at the time of his death shall serve as the administrator.
第一千一百四十六条 对遗产管理人的确定有争议的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请指定遗产管理人。
Article 1146
Where a dispute arises over the determination of an administrator of the estate,
any interested person may request the people’s court to appoint an
第一千一百四十七条 遗产管理人应当履行下列职责:
Article 1147
An administrator of an estate shall perform the following duties:
(1) verifying and making an inventory of the estate;
(2) reporting to the successors about the inventory of the estate;
(3) taking necessary measures to prevent the estate from being destructed,
damaged, or lost;
(4) clearing the decedent’s claims and debts;
(5) partitioning the estate in accordance with the will, or in accordance with
law; and
(6) performing any other act necessary for managing the estate.
第一千一百四十八条 遗产管理人应当依法履行职责,因故意或者重大过失造成继承人、受遗赠人、债权人损害的,应当承担民事责任。
Article 1148
An administrator of an estate shall perform his duties in accordance with law,
and shall bear civil liability if any successor, donee-by-will, or creditor of
the decedent suffers damage caused by his intentional act or gross negligence.
第一千一百四十九条 遗产管理人可以依照法律规定或者按照约定获得报酬。
Article 1149
An administrator of an estate may receive remuneration in accordance with law or
based upon agreement.
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