horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第三章 物权的保护
Chapter III
Protection of Real Rights
  第二百三十三条 物权受到侵害的,权利人可以通过和解、调解、仲裁、诉讼等途径解决。
Article 233
Where a real right is infringed upon, the right holder may have the problem solved by means of settlement, mediation, arbitration, litigation, and the like.
  第二百三十四条 因物权的归属、内容发生争议的,利害关系人可以请求确认权利。
Article 234
Where a dispute arises over the attribution or contents of a real right, an interested person may request for confirmation of the right.
  第二百三十五条 无权占有不动产或者动产的,权利人可以请求返还原物。
Article 235
Where immovable or movable property is possessed by a person not entitled to do so, the right holder may request for restitution.
  第二百三十六条 妨害物权或者可能妨害物权的,权利人可以请求排除妨害或者消除危险。
Article 236
Where there is a nuisance or a potential nuisance against a real right, the right holder may request for removal of the nuisance or elimination of the danger.
  第二百三十七条 造成不动产或者动产毁损的,权利人可以依法请求修理、重作、更换或者恢复原状。
Article 237
Where immovable or movable property is destructed or damaged, the right holder may request for repair, redoing, replacement, or restoration to the original condition in accordance with law.
  第二百三十八条 侵害物权,造成权利人损害的,权利人可以依法请求损害赔偿,也可以依法请求承担其他民事责任。
Article 238
Where a real right is infringed upon and damage is thus caused, the right holder may, in accordance with law, request the infringing person to pay damages or bear other civil liabilities.
  第二百三十九条 本章规定的物权保护方式,可以单独适用,也可以根据权利被侵害的情形合并适用。
Article 239
The forms of real right protection provided in this Chapter may be applied either separately or concurrently according to the circumstances of the infringement of a right.


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