第二百零一条 按照年、月、日计算期间的,开始的当日不计入,自下一日开始计算。
Article 201
Where a time period is counted by year, month, and day, the day on which the
time period begins is not counted in and the period runs from the following day.
Where a time period is counted by hour, the period begins to run from the hour
as provided by law or agreed by the parties.
第二百零二条 按照年、月计算期间的,到期月的对应日为期间的最后一日;没有对应日的,月末日为期间的最后一日。
Article 202
Where a time period is counted by year and month, the corresponding date of the
due month is the last day of the time period; in the absence of such a
corresponding date, the last day of that month is the last day of the time
第二百零三条 期间的最后一日是法定休假日的,以法定休假日结束的次日为期间的最后一日。
Article 203
Where the last day of a time period falls on a legal holiday, the day after the
holiday is deemed as the last day of the period.
The last day shall end at 24:00 hours; where a business hour is applied, the
last day shall end at the time the business is closed.
第二百零四条 期间的计算方法依照本法的规定,但是法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 204
The counting of a time period shall be governed by the provisions of this Code,
unless otherwise provided by law or agreed by the parties.
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