horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

   第八章 民事责任
Chapter VIII
Civil Liability
  第一百七十六条 民事主体依照法律规定或者按照当事人约定,履行民事义务,承担民事责任。
Article 176
A person of the civil law shall perform civil-law obligations and bear civil liability in accordance with law or the agreement of the parties.
  第一百七十七条 二人以上依法承担按份责任,能够确定责任大小的,各自承担相应的责任;难以确定责任大小的,平均承担责任。
Article 177
Where two or more persons assume shared liability in accordance with law, each person shall bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault if such share can be determined, or in equal share if such share cannot be determined.
  第一百七十八条 二人以上依法承担连带责任的,权利人有权请求部分或者全部连带责任人承担责任。
Article 178
Where two or more persons assume joint and several liability in accordance with law, the right holder has the right to request some or all of them to bear the liability.
The persons subjected to joint and several liability shall each bear the liability in proportion to their respective share of fault, or in equal share if such share cannot be determined. A person who has assumed the liability more than his share of fault has the right to contribution against the other person(s) subjected to the joint and several liability.

Joint and several liability shall be either provided by law or agreed upon by the parties.


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