上一页-公冶长15 公冶长 人力资源经理的《论语》读书笔记 论语
论语公冶长篇第五章16 |
The Master said of Tzu-ch'an that he had the way of the
gentleman on four counts: he was respectful in the manner he conducted himself;
he was reverent in the service of his lord; in caring for the common people, he
was generous and, in employing their services, he was just.
Lau [5:16]
Le Maître dit que Tzeu tchang1 pratiquait parfaitement quatre qualités de
l'homme honorable, à savoir la déférence envers ses égaux, le respect envers ses
supérieurs, la bienfaisance envers le peuple, la justice envers ses sujets.
1. Grand préfet de Tcheng.
Couvreur V.16.
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