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培训网-论语-雍也29 论语-述而 论语中英法文对照版 论语



Tzu-kung said, 'If there were a man who gave extensively to the common people and brought help to the multitude, what would you think of him? Could he be called benevolent?'
The Master said, 'It is no longer a matter of benevolence with such a man. If you must describe him, "sage" is, perhaps, the right word. Even Yao and Shun would have found it difficult to accomplish as much. Now, on the other hand, a benevolent man help others to take their stand in so far as he himself wishes to take his stand, and gets others there in so far as he himself wishes to get there. The ability to take as analogy what is near at hand can be called the method of benevolence.'

Lau [6:30]

Tseu koung dit : « Que faut-il penser de celui qui prodiguerait ses bienfaits parmi le peuple et pourrait aider la multitude ? Pourrait-on dire qu'il est pleinement humain ? » Le Maître répondit : « Aider la multitude ? mais c'est être un saint ! Iao et Chouenn eux-mêmes avaient la douleur de ne pouvoir le faire. La vertu d'humanité, c'est élever autrui comme on souhaiterait l'être soi-même ; c'est le faire parvenir là où on le voudrait soi-même. Qui est capable de s'en faire le modèle offre la recette de cette vertu. »

Couvreur VI.30

