第六百三十条 标的物在交付之前产生的孳息,归出卖人所有;交付之后产生的孳息,归买受人所有。但是,当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 630
Any fruits accrued from the subject matter before delivery belong to the seller
and any fruits accrued from the subject matter after delivery belong to the
buyer, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
第六百三十一条 因标的物的主物不符合约定而解除合同的,解除合同的效力及于从物。因标的物的从物不符合约定被解除的,解除的效力不及于主物。
Article 631
Where a contract is rescinded due to the inconformity of the principal subject
matter with the agreed requirements, the effect of the rescission shall be
effective against the accessory subject matter. Where a rescission is due to the
inconformity of the accessory subject matter with the agreed requirements, the
effect of the rescission is not effective against the principal subject matter.
第六百三十二条 标的物为数物,其中一物不符合约定的,买受人可以就该物解除。但是,该物与他物分离使标的物的价值显受损害的,买受人可以就数物解除合同。
Article 632
Where the object of a contract is composed of several subject matters, if one of
the subject matters fails to conform to the requirements agreed in the contract,
the buyer may rescind the part of the contract in connection with the said
subject matter. However, where separation of the said subject matter from the
other subject matters is to markedly harm the value of the subject matters of
the contract, the buyer may rescind the contract in connection with the multiple
subject matters concerned.
第六百三十三条 出卖人分批交付标的物的,出卖人对其中一批标的物不交付或者交付不符合约定,致使该批标的物不能实现合同目的的,买受人可以就该批标的物解除。
Article 633
Where the subject matters are to be delivered by installment by a seller, if the
seller fails to deliver one lot of the subject matters, or has delivered the lot
in a manner not in conformity with the agreement, so that the purpose of the
contract in connection with the said lot cannot be achieved, the buyer may
rescind the part of the contract in connection with the said lot.
Where a seller fails to deliver one lot of the subject matters, or has delivered
the lot in a manner not in conformity with the agreement, so that the subsequent
delivery of the remaining lots cannot achieve the purpose of the contract, the
buyer may rescind the part of the contract in connection with the said lot and
the remaining lots.
Where a buyer has rescinded a part of the contract in connection with one lot of
he subject matters, if the said lot and any other lot are interdependent on each
other, the buyer may rescind the contract in connection with all the lots
disregarding whether they have been delivered or not.
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