第五百六十四条 法律规定或者当事人约定解除权行使期限,期限届满当事人不行使的,该权利消灭。
Article 564
Where a time limit for exercising the right to rescind the contract is provided
by law or agreed by the parties, if the party with the right to rescission has
not exercised the right upon expiration of the period, such right is
Where no time limit for exercising the right to rescind the contract is provided
by law or agreed by the parties, such a right is extinguished if the party with
the right to rescission has not exercised the right within one year after it
knows or should have known the causes for rescission, or within a reasonable
period of time after being demanded by the other party.
第五百六十五条 当事人一方依法主张解除合同的,应当通知对方。合同自通知到达对方时解除;通知载明债务人在一定期限内不履行债务则合同自动解除,债务人在该期限内未履行债务的,合同自通知载明的期限届满时解除。对方对解除合同有异议的,任何一方当事人均可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构确认解除行为的效力。
Article 565
Where one of the parties requests to rescind the contract in accordance with
law, the other party shall be duly notified. The contract is rescinded at the
time the notice reaches the other party, or, where the notice states that the
contract is to be automatically rescinded if the debtor fails to perform his
obligation within a specified period of time, the contract is rescinded when the
debtor fails to perform the obligation upon expiration of the specified period
of time. Where the other party has objections to the rescission of the contract,
either party may request the people’s court or an arbitration institution to
determine the validity of the rescission.
Where one of the parties, without notifying the other party, requests the
rescission of the contract by directly filing a lawsuit or applying for
arbitration in accordance with law, and the people’s court or arbitration
institution confirms such request, the contract is rescinded when a duplicated
copy of the complaint or the application letter for arbitration is served on the
other party.
第五百六十六条 合同解除后,尚未履行的,终止履行;已经履行的,根据履行情况和合同性质,当事人可以请求恢复原状或者采取其他补救措施,并有权请求赔偿损失。
Article 566
After a contract is rescinded, where an obligation has not yet been performed,
the performance shall cease; where an obligation has already been performed, the
parties may, taking into account the performance status and the nature of the
contract, request restoration to the original status or other remedial measures
taken, and have the right to request for compensation for the losses.
Where a contract is rescinded due to a default, the party with the right to
rescind the contract may request the breaching party to bear default liability,
unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
After the principal contract is rescinded, a security provider shall still be
obligated to secure the debtor’s liability, unless otherwise agreed in the
security contract.
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