The Song Dynasty - the Gentry Decision Making 低碳生活 张智勇
Law, justice, and forensic science
The Song judicial system
retained most of the legal code of the earlier Tang Dynasty, the basis of
traditional Chinese law up until the modern era. Roving sheriffs maintained
law and order in the municipal jurisdictions and occasionally ventured into the
countryside. Official magistrates overseeing court cases were not only
expected to be well-versed in written law but also to promote morality in
society. Magistrates such as the famed Bao Qingtian (999–1062) embodied the
upright, moral judge who upheld justice and never failed to live up to his
principles. Song judges specified the guilty person or party in a criminal act
and meted out punishments accordingly, often in the form of caning. A
guilty individual or parties brought to court for a criminal or civil offense
were not viewed as wholly innocent until proven otherwise, while even accusers
were viewed with a high level of suspicion by the judge. Due to costly court
expenses and immediate jailing of those accused of criminal offenses, people in
the Song preferred to settle disputes and quarrels privately, without the
court's interference.
Shen Kuo's Dream Pool Essays argued against traditional Chinese beliefs in
anatomy (such as his argument for two throat valves instead of three); this
perhaps spurred the interest in the performance of post-mortem autopsies in
China during the 12th century. The physician and judge known as Song Ci
(1186–1249) wrote a pioneering work of forensic science on the examination of
corpses in order to determine cause of death (strangulation, poisoning,
drowning, blows, etc.) and to prove whether death resulted from murder, suicide,
or accidental death. Song Ci stressed the importance of proper coroner's conduct
during autopsies and the accurate recording of the inquest of each autopsy by
official clerks.
宋朝 La Dynastie Song 宋朝信用的特点与影响 宋朝的婚前财产公证 French 范仲淹 晏几道减字木兰花 撼庭秋 岳飞登黄鹤楼有感
The Song Dynasty - Arts, literature, and philosophy