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Previous Psychology

In a very real manner all problems with any mind, such as things psychiatry calls "depression", "anxiety", "compulsive disorder", "Attention Deficit Disorder" (ADD or ADHD), and even "suicidal ideation", are ultimately and solely uncontrollable aspects of one's own mind that intrude upon the person's awareness. It's not that these things don't exist in some way, but they don't exist in the way psychiatry understands and claims to solve them. A better way to handle these problems would be to assist the person to increase control over the content of their own mind. There are many ways to do this, although they have never been all pulled together, adequately investigated, codified and organized into a straight-forward workable compilation of methods. Modern "science" has simply discarded the notion of the mind, and from that point on, never bothered to investigate it closely with the aim to understand, solve or improve it.

First, this invisible world is totally real. It is not imaginary or a hallucination. My invisible world isn't directly real to you, and your invisible world isn't directly real to me, but they are each real nonetheless. The person who wants to argue this fact is simply a fool, dull, unable to comfortably observe his own mind (because it is possibly filled with degraded and nasty things), and probably addicted to the objects of physical sensation and perception to the exclusion of anything else (a modern materialist).

