horizontal rule


Previous Maritime

(d) Conduct of Investigation. Within 10 days after the initiation of a proceeding under this section, the Commission shall set a date on or before which its final decision will be issued. This date may be extended for good cause by order of the Commission.

(e) Undue Delays. If, within the time period specified in subsection (d), the Commission determines that it is unable to issue a final decision because of undue delays caused by a party to the proceedings, the Commission may impose sanctions, including entering a decision adverse to the delaying party.

(f) Reports. The Commission shall make a written report of every investigation made under this Act in which a hearing was held stating its conclusions, decisions, findings of fact, and order. A copy of this report shall be furnished to all parties. The Commission shall publish each report for public information, and the published report shall be competent evidence in all courts of the United States.

(g) Reparations. For any complaint filed within 3 years after the cause of action accrued, the Commission shall, upon petition of the complainant and after notice and hearing, direct payment of reparations to the complainant for actual injury (which, for purposes of this subsection, also includes the loss of interest at commercial rates compounded from the date of injury) caused by a violation of this Act plus reasonable attorney_s fees. Upon a showing that the injury was caused by activity that is prohibited by section 10(b)(3) or (6) or section 10(c)(1) or (3) of this Act, or that violates section 10(a)(2) or (3), the Commission may direct the payment of additional amounts; but the total recovery of a complainant may not exceed twice the amount of the actual injury. In the case of injury caused by an activity that is prohibited by section 10(b)(4)(A) or (B) of this Act, the amount of the injury shall be the difference between the rate paid by the injured shipper and the most favorable rate paid by another shipper. 

