(e) Presidential Review. Concurrently with the publication
thereof, the Commission shall transmit to the President each order of
suspension or final order of prohibition of rates, charges,
classifications, rules, or regulations of a controlled carrier subject to
this section. Within 10 days after the receipt or the effective date of
the Commission order, the President may request the Commission in writing
to stay the effect of the Commission_s order if the President finds that
the stay is required for reasons of national defense or foreign policy,
which reasons shall be specified in the report. Notwithstanding any other
law, the Commission shall immediately grant the request by the issuance of
an order in which the President_s request shall be described. During any
such stay, the President shall, whenever practicable, attempt to resolve
the matter in controversy by negotiation with representatives of the
applicable foreign governments. (f) Exceptions. This section does not apply to_ (1) a controlled carrier of a state whose vessels are entitled by a treaty of the United States to receive national or most-favored-nation treatment; or (2) a trade served exclusively by controlled carriers. |