第一千零八十五条 离婚后,子女由一方直接抚养的,另一方应当负担部分或者全部抚养费。负担费用的多少和期限的长短,由双方协议;协议不成的,由人民法院判决。
Article 1085
After divorce, where a parent has the physical custody of his child, the other
parent shall pay for the child support in part or in whole. The amount and
duration of such payment shall be determined by both parents through agreement,
or, where no such an agreement is reached, adjudicated by the people’s court
through making a judgment.
The agreement or judgment provided in the preceding paragraph may not preclude
the child, when necessary, from making reasonable demand of payment on either
parent in excess of the amount specified in the agreement or judgment.
第一千零八十六条 离婚后,不直接抚养子女的父或者母,有探望子女的权利,另一方有协助的义务。
Article 1086
After divorce, a parent who does not have the physical custody of his child has
the right to visit the child, and the other parent is obligated to facilitate
the visit.
The manner and schedule for exercising the right to visitation shall be
determined by both parents through agreement, or, where no such an agreement is
reached, adjudicated by the people’s court.
If a parent’s visit to a child is detrimental to the child’s physical or mental
health, the visit shall be suspended by the people’s court in accordance with
law, and the visit shall be resumed when the cause for such suspension no longer
第一千零八十七条 离婚时,夫妻的共同财产由双方协议处理;协议不成的,由人民法院根据财产的具体情况,按照照顾子女、女方和无过错方权益的原则判决。
Article 1087
Upon divorce, the community property of the spouses shall be partitioned by them
through agreement, or, where no such an agreement is reached, adjudicated by the
people’s court in light of the actual state of the property and in compliance
with the principle of favoring the rights and interests of their children, the
wife, and the no-fault party.
The rights and interests of the husband or wife arising from the contractual
management of land based on the household shall be protected in accordance with
第一千零八十八条 夫妻一方因抚育子女、照料老年人、协助另一方工作等负担较多义务的,离婚时有权向另一方请求补偿,另一方应当给予补偿。具体办法由双方协议;协议不成的,由人民法院判决。
Article 1088
Where one spouse is burdened with additional duties for raising children,
looking after the elderly, or assisting the other spouse in his work, the said
spouse has the right to request for compensation upon divorce against the other
party, and the other party shall make due compensation. The specific
arrangements for making such compensation shall be determined by the spouses
through agreement, or adjudicated by the people’s court where no such an
agreement is reached.
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