第五百三十八条 债务人以放弃其债权、放弃债权担保、无偿转让财产等方式无偿处分财产权益,或者恶意延长其到期债权的履行期限,影响债权人的债权实现的,债权人可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。
Article 538
Where a debtor gratuitously disposes of his proprietary rights and interests by
waiving his claims, waiving the security for his claims, or transferring his
property without consideration, and the like, or maliciously extends the period
of performance of his due claim, and hence, the enforcement of the creditor’s
claim is adversely affected, the creditor may request the people’s court to
revoke the debtor’s act.
第五百三十九条 债务人以明显不合理的低价转让财产、以明显不合理的高价受让他人财产或者为他人的债务提供担保,影响债权人的债权实现,债务人的相对人知道或者应当知道该情形的,债权人可以请求人民法院撤销债务人的行为。
Article 539
Where a debtor transfers his property at an obviously unreasonably low price,
takes another’s property at an obviously unreasonably high price, or provides
security for another’s obligation, and hence, the enforcement of the creditor’s
claim is adversely affected, the creditor may request the people’s court to
revoke the debtor’s act if the counterparty of the debtor knows or should have
known such circumstance.
第五百四十条 撤销权的行使范围以债权人的债权为限。债权人行使撤销权的必要费用,由债务人负担。
Article 540
The scope of the right to revocation is limited to the extent of the creditor’s
claim. The expenses necessary for the creditor to exercise the right to
revocation shall be borne by the debtor.
第五百四十一条 撤销权自债权人知道或者应当知道撤销事由之日起一年内行使。自债务人的行为发生之日起五年内没有行使撤销权的,该撤销权消灭。
Article 541
The right to revocation shall be exercised within one year from the date on
which the creditor knows or should have known the cause for the revocation. The
right to revocation is extinguished where a creditor does not exercise such
right within five years since the date on which the debtor conducts the relevant
第五百四十二条 债务人影响债权人的债权实现的行为被撤销的,自始没有法律约束力。
Article 542
Where an act of the debtor adversely affecting the enforcement of the creditor’s
claim is revoked, such an act does not have legal effect ab initio.
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