第三百四十八条 通过招标、拍卖、协议等出让方式设立建设用地使用权的,当事人应当采用书面形式订立建设用地使用权出让合同。
Article 348
Where a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes is created through
bidding, auction, agreement, or other means of transfer, the parties shall enter
into a contract in writing for the transfer of the right to use the lot of land
for construction purposes.
A contract for the transfer of the right to use a lot of land for construction
purposes generally contains the following clauses:
(1) the name and address of each party;
(2) the metes and bounds and area of the lot of land;
(3) the space occupied by the buildings, structures, and the auxiliary
facilities thereof;
(4) the planned use and zoning conditions of the lot;
(5) the term of the right to use the lot of land for construction purposes;
(6) the transfer fee and other fees, and the mode of payment thereof; and
(7) the means of dispute resolution.
第三百四十九条 设立建设用地使用权的,应当向登记机构申请建设用地使用权登记。建设用地使用权自登记时设立。登记机构应当向建设用地使用权人发放权属证书。
Article 349
To create a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes, application
shall be filed with the registration authority for the registration of the
right. The right to use a lot of land for construction purposes is created upon
registration. The registration authority shall issue a title certificate to the
person entitled to the right.
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